Since time immemorial, girls have been criticizing us guys for being "shallow." They say we focus too much on the "superficial stuff" and the "things that won't last." They want us to look deeper, way down to the core of her being, to the things that matter the most.
Now what girls can't seem to understand is we're doing exactly that. We want to go deeper, into the core of your being, to the things that matter most. In fact, let me tell you what, nothing would make us happier. Nothing. So what are we waiting for, honey?
And then she rolls her eyes, folds her arms, and just glares at you disgustedly. Like you did something wrong. Sheesh. What the hell did we do now!?!
But I ask you people, do we really have to add to all the negativity in the world? For the sake of everybody getting along--or at least trying to--let me attempt to set things a-right.
What All The Fuss Is About: Frankly speaking, I've had two or three experiences when I'd lost at least partial control of myself in the face of well, a beautiful face. This is because, if you haven't experienced it yourself, stunning beauty is exactly that--stunning. It's not a metaphor. So I don't know why girls are complaining about guys ogling girls when they're the ones that go through hours--hours!--of preparation with the obvious desire to catch our attention. And when it doesn't come, they get depressed...or hostile. Go figure.
What All The Fuss Is Really About: Beauty has long been considered a primary female attribute. Throughout the course of human history, perhaps not one trait in a female is instantly more desirable than said apparent facial beauty. Helen of Troy exemplified the zenith of this potent capacity to turn the male world furiously over its head with her title as "the face that launched a thousand ships." So it is acknowledged, in myth and in truth, that a woman with exceedingly captivating looks can and does hold sway over the supposed stronger sex.
Sure, men can accept dating older women, but only if they look young. It's a different matter when the woman looks old as well.
What Guys Go For #2: A Perfect Body
What All The Fuss Is About: Very, very few things can turn guys into unrestrained creatures of carnal lust and tempestuous desire like a girl with a hot body. Of course the fairer sex may think that it's just all about their breasts and/or their ass, but this is not true at all. Guys are not generally picky. They will go for anything you can give them! Any unexpected manifestation of shape or skin will do. It makes for good conversation in groups, and when alone...
What All The Fuss Is Really About: This answer is closely related to the first one. Like facial beauty, the over-all appearance of the body also serves as an indicator of youth and health. But arguably to a greater extent. There is after all very little natural change which can be applied to the face since only cosmetic and artificial ones have big effects. The body, on the other hand, with its visible curves, tone, and proportions can not only mean youth and health but it can also directly point to real-time energy and fitness. In fact, even the celebrated hour-glass figure--perfect breasts, waist, hip, and ass--provides clues to the quality of a female's physical status. All these, while seemingly superficial, are indicative of something more basic and more primal; finally, something deeper: the woman's true and innate potential to bear children with equally "perfect" bodies.
What All The Fuss Is About: Some girls just know how to work their charm. They know what they want and they just go out there and get it! These girls know that guys are overly receptive to signals of the suggestive kind so they've turned female flirtation and seduction into a personal craft all their own. A guy can find himself getting more comfortable or more intimidated with all the explicit advances, but one thing is still for sure, he'll want it.
What All The Fuss Is Really About: From the pharaoh-queen Cleopatra to the actress/sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, history is rich with capable temptresses. In popular culture, teen movies such as Cruel Intentions and Wild Things have reinvented the art of seduction to modern interpretations. We all understand the appeal of this sort of movies because we all understand the appeal of a seductive female. The explanation couldn't be simpler. Usually it's the guy creating all the sexual advances; this time, and wouldn't you know it, it's reciprocal. And the guy thinks, We're finally on the same page. Good. Less work for me.
What Guys Go For #4: Conversation Skills (aka "Someone You Can Talk To")
What All The Fuss Is About: We don't ask for much when it comes to the intelligence department because we believe in our heart of hearts that courtship and dating is not some achievement examination or a company interview. We don't go for over-elaborated answers because that just numbs the both of us to the feelings involved in the process. We prefer to keep things simple. So open up a little more. Move a little closer. How can we share our feelings when you're sitting way over there?
What All The Fuss Is Really About: If human beings did nothing but have sex, there would really be very little need for a girl to have conversation skills. But the fact of the matter is, a guy has to navigate through a girl's life before and, more importantly, after sex. Otherwise, the relationship cannot go to the next level, which is sex or child-rearing, respectively.
This means that there is a sub-conscious mechanism that inclines a man to be "mature" in his decisions. Simple wisdom: A person is never devoid of peripheral attributes/attachments (family, friends, work, etc). So when a guy seeks his intellectual compatibility with a girl--when he tries to get into who she is as a person--he is signaling his application for a serious relationship which implies fitting into the girl's life as much as possible.
Ok on second thought, maybe it is some kind of examination/interview. Whatever.
What All The Fuss Is About: Guys have the reputation for relegating this characteristic to shamefully lower priorities. Yup, I know you girls think all guys want are looks and body and sex and even more sex. You've even noticed that all guys seem to have in their minds is sex. Moreover, you've accepted the popular fact that all guys really go for is sex. But sex aside...
This means that there is a sub-conscious mechanism that inclines a man to be "mature" in his decisions. Simple wisdom: A person is never devoid of peripheral attributes/attachments (family, friends, work, etc). So when a guy seeks his intellectual compatibility with a girl--when he tries to get into who she is as a person--he is signaling his application for a serious relationship which implies fitting into the girl's life as much as possible.
Ok on second thought, maybe it is some kind of examination/interview. Whatever.
What Guys Go For #5: "Inner Beauty" (aka "Someone You Can Fall In Love With")
What All The Fuss Is About: Guys have the reputation for relegating this characteristic to shamefully lower priorities. Yup, I know you girls think all guys want are looks and body and sex and even more sex. You've even noticed that all guys seem to have in their minds is sex. Moreover, you've accepted the popular fact that all guys really go for is sex. But sex aside...
And like I said, he doesn't have to think it. He only has to feel it. And he calls the feeling, all lust and sex aside, luv.
On that note, I present to you this video. are we good, baby?
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