Born out of the simple drive to make something happen, A REAL LIFE EXPERIMENT is one big engine of thought. True to its name and real-life living, it concerns itself with the totality of the human experience in all its nuisance and significance. As such, the reader may expect everything from the collectively (mindlessly) popular, to the rigorously logical, to the expressively creative, and finally to the profound, which occur only in the deep silences of serious reflection.
Here, all is indeed, in some way or manner, experimentation; where the potential, the theoretical, and the practical are challenged their definitions and their limits. Yes, here the words often have meaning and the meaning often has an aim. Where we are usually satisfied proliferating small, half-dead memes, here it is different. Here bigger things are attempted. For thoughts create values create beliefs create actions create changes.
Now, stop. Did you catch all that?
This is A REAL LIFE EXPERIMENT. Go. Make. Something. Happen.

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