Featured Articles
Because I don't have enough skills to edit the html of this thing, I decided to just make a post on the better (more "accessible") parts of this blog. Of course there are the tags (which i really really want to turn into tagclouds but can't) at the sidebar which will help you navigate by topic and there are archives there too if you want to see what I've been up to chronologically. These are all basic and I wish I knew how to manipulate the damn code so I can make it into something nicer. Sadly, I lack the time/patience/knowledge for it. Anyway...

Can somebody please teach me how to incorporate the following into their appropriate image (as a text box) when the mouse pointer is hovering said image:
Dealing With Heartbreak: The Real Way To Mend A Broken Heart
There are a lot of sites on the web offering advice on how to do this. They practically all say the same old thing! Here's a new perspective on the matter--backed up by modern understanding.
Greatest p4p MMA
Let's settle the score once and for all, Fedor vs Anderson (Silva) for the title of Greatest p4p!
The "Welcome Travelers From The Future!" Day Experiment
Participate in the greatest experiment this side of time-space. If we pull it off, it will be nothing short of historical. No joke.
What Guys Really Go For In Girls
Looks, body, or something deeper? What is it?

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