Fighting Chance
ROUND TWO: P4P, in theory
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ROUND TWO: P4P, in theory
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The results are in. Using the TOTALS equation stated in 2.1 where, for each phase, we add up all the offensive phase-action scores of one fighter and subtract the defensive phase-action scores of the other, we get the PHASE TOTAL.
After getting all the PHASE TOTALS we add them all up and we then arrive at the OVER-ALL TOTAL SCORE. Whoever gets the higher Total score here receives the title, Greatest Pound-For-Pound (in theory).
And the winner is...
And the winner is...

...It's a tie?
I swear to you I was just as surprised (and disappointed) as you when I first got the results. Nevertheless, I was as unbiased as was possible so these are more or less pretty accurate for me. But that's just me so don't get so upset about it. Besides there's one more round to go.

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