One of the craziest experiences a sane person can go through is that person falling in love. At the same time, failing in love is one of the most irrationally painful. I've been in and out of this whole business a number of times, and through it all I've learned the specifics of how to effectively deal with a heartbreak. Here are some pointers that I think apply to every situation.
Warning: This is not your typical "Dealing With Heartbreak" set of tips. It's for everybody, boys and girls. Listen up. This is how you really do it.
Tip #1. Accept your emotions. Expect to get hurt--it's only natural.
(If you haven't had your broken heart handed down to you, let me tell you now, it hurts like hell. You won't like the feeling at all.)
You're only human. The reason humans can be categorized into humans is because they have shared qualities, species-universal traits. No, men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus. They may be wired differently, but they're still only human beings from Earth. As a result, they will share the same kind of emotions and sensations, say heartbreak. Yes, there will be some deviations on the degree with which individuals feel and express pain, but it's gonna be there. What you have to do is just accept it and deal with it.
Here are some things you can expect from a heartbreak:
-obsessive recalling of past memories, what ifs
-irrational amount of pain (How can this hurt so much!? Where is all this coming from!?)
-sleepless nights, reduced productivity, some level of depression
-some aspect of the person invading your thoughts every now and then, sometimes coming out of environmental cues, sometimes coming out of nowhere
-wish to set things right/straight
The main reason acceptance is so important is because it prepares you to move on and get with the rest of your life. Here is a good exercise: Whenever your emotions kick in tell yourself verbally, "Wow! This hurts." You're gonna do this anyway, but what I want to happen is for you to do it consciously, like it's an observation. Like you're pointing out to yourself a matter-of-fact occurrence. Better yet, do it cheerfully. Like you've discovered how interesting this heartbreak is. It helps a little.
Tip #2. Understand and break your emotions and your situation down rationally.
Let me tell you something about emotions. Emotions are your body's traditional way of making you do things. It's a mechanism animals with sufficiently advanced brains have so they don't have to use rational thought to act appropriately to a situation. Didn't get that? Let me give you an example.
Have you seen how dogs respond to threatening situations? Let's say a dog has been in a fight with another dog and dog#1 loses. Badly. You'll notice that the next time they have to confront each other, dog#1 will display the well-documented act of a dog's submission. He will have his body held close together, his head lowered, his tail between his legs. You can even say that he's feeling something we humans call fear. And it just saved him from getting beaten up again.
Human beings, who were formerly just primitive cave men who were formerly even more primitive than that, are pretty much the same. When a guy gets angry, it's because he's been offended in some manner. So, his body primes him for retaliation--a perfectly "reasonable" act back in the old days. His heart rate increases, adrenaline shoots up, he clenches his fists, he tenses his muscles, his face and body start to look more threatening. And all this is done sub-consciously.
If this guy had been a cave man, it would have been equivalent to us saying something like, "Hey, man. I don't really appreciate what you just did." If he actually went through with the fight itself, it would have been, "Understand?" And if he won. "Don't do it again." If this guy had been born anytime within the last few thousand years, he would have had the option to express his dissatisfaction with his mouth.
It's the same with heartbreak. Your body tells you to never make the same mistakes again by applying a generous flurry of painful emotional hurt. Except this time, the context is different. We have other things to attend to like getting good grades or being productive at work. There are more opportunities for getting another person in your life because we live in cities now, not in caves. We can also think through our errors for a more pain-free (though maybe, less effective?) analysis. So we don't really need the constant and invasive reminders which come in the form of hurt.
Still, it's there. And the solution is two-fold. The first involves learning from your mistakes--whether emotionally or rationally. The second involves pinpointing where the emotions are coming from. As in how they were formed. We did the second part in simile just now with the caveman digression.
This doesn't mean that the hurt will magically disappear. But if you do it right, then you can possibly override your heartbreak the same way you override your anger by finding the underlying mechanics of your predicament. At least to some extent.
Tip #3. Don't do anything that would complicate the matter.*
*the matter per se and not you, although you get worse too
There are a number of things that a person can do to make things more difficult for him/her. Seeking revenge for example, or begging, or befriending prematurely. I'm sure there're a lot more.
How do you know that something can potentially make the matter worse off? Simple. If it involves you surrendering whatever's left of your stability to another person--the object of affection or a third party, then you're taking a risk. If you're creating situations that directly tap into your negativity so you can elicit some kind of reaction from him/her, you're setting yourself up for more trouble. Remember that you cannot force situations to happen. Especially not when you're wits are scattered all over the place.
Ironically, sometimes these things can actually work. This however often requires you to know exactly what you're doing. Do you?
Tip #4. Look ahead. Seek people, activities, and experiences that remind you how good it feels to be alive.
I hear you. You're going to get drunk to forget things. You're going to pamper yourself with expensive gifts and stuff. You're going to force yourself to go clubbing and maybe hook up with a stranger. But what's wrong with these?
With the possible exception of the last one, these are all short term responses that do not respond to the problem but just to the symptom. They may work for that time. But guess what? You're not gonna get over your lost love by getting drunk/getting pampered/getting laid one night (I did say it could be an exception) and then suddenly be OK thereafter. It doesn't work like that. Telling yourself, "It's his/her loss." may boost your confidence while you delude yourself that this is so; but you're still the one that's crying, feeling sorry, going out to make it seem like you're over everything, convincing yourself how wonderful it is to be single, and acting like you got the worse end of the bargain. Yup, it's still also your loss.
So don't focus on your setback. Instead do things that genuinely make you happy--heartbreak notwithstanding. If you think you'll be doing something only or primarily to cover up the terrible feeling, then try to do something else. Don't allow the heartbreak to decide the way you live. I believe you'll agree with me that there's a lot more to life than your love problems. You may be falling apart a little but if you stop and look around, you'll realize that it's just good to be alive. To have so much potential at your reach. Because there's always tomorrow. So just make sure you can get through the night without too much added stress. Get me?
Tip #5. Get a good crush
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Warning: This is not your typical "Dealing With Heartbreak" set of tips. It's for everybody, boys and girls. Listen up. This is how you really do it.
Tip #1. Accept your emotions. Expect to get hurt--it's only natural.
(If you haven't had your broken heart handed down to you, let me tell you now, it hurts like hell. You won't like the feeling at all.)
You're only human. The reason humans can be categorized into humans is because they have shared qualities, species-universal traits. No, men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus. They may be wired differently, but they're still only human beings from Earth. As a result, they will share the same kind of emotions and sensations, say heartbreak. Yes, there will be some deviations on the degree with which individuals feel and express pain, but it's gonna be there. What you have to do is just accept it and deal with it.
Here are some things you can expect from a heartbreak:
-obsessive recalling of past memories, what ifs
-irrational amount of pain (How can this hurt so much!? Where is all this coming from!?)
-sleepless nights, reduced productivity, some level of depression
-some aspect of the person invading your thoughts every now and then, sometimes coming out of environmental cues, sometimes coming out of nowhere
-wish to set things right/straight
The main reason acceptance is so important is because it prepares you to move on and get with the rest of your life. Here is a good exercise: Whenever your emotions kick in tell yourself verbally, "Wow! This hurts." You're gonna do this anyway, but what I want to happen is for you to do it consciously, like it's an observation. Like you're pointing out to yourself a matter-of-fact occurrence. Better yet, do it cheerfully. Like you've discovered how interesting this heartbreak is. It helps a little.
Tip #2. Understand and break your emotions and your situation down rationally.
Let me tell you something about emotions. Emotions are your body's traditional way of making you do things. It's a mechanism animals with sufficiently advanced brains have so they don't have to use rational thought to act appropriately to a situation. Didn't get that? Let me give you an example.
Have you seen how dogs respond to threatening situations? Let's say a dog has been in a fight with another dog and dog#1 loses. Badly. You'll notice that the next time they have to confront each other, dog#1 will display the well-documented act of a dog's submission. He will have his body held close together, his head lowered, his tail between his legs. You can even say that he's feeling something we humans call fear. And it just saved him from getting beaten up again.
Human beings, who were formerly just primitive cave men who were formerly even more primitive than that, are pretty much the same. When a guy gets angry, it's because he's been offended in some manner. So, his body primes him for retaliation--a perfectly "reasonable" act back in the old days. His heart rate increases, adrenaline shoots up, he clenches his fists, he tenses his muscles, his face and body start to look more threatening. And all this is done sub-consciously.
If this guy had been a cave man, it would have been equivalent to us saying something like, "Hey, man. I don't really appreciate what you just did." If he actually went through with the fight itself, it would have been, "Understand?" And if he won. "Don't do it again." If this guy had been born anytime within the last few thousand years, he would have had the option to express his dissatisfaction with his mouth.
It's the same with heartbreak. Your body tells you to never make the same mistakes again by applying a generous flurry of painful emotional hurt. Except this time, the context is different. We have other things to attend to like getting good grades or being productive at work. There are more opportunities for getting another person in your life because we live in cities now, not in caves. We can also think through our errors for a more pain-free (though maybe, less effective?) analysis. So we don't really need the constant and invasive reminders which come in the form of hurt.
Still, it's there. And the solution is two-fold. The first involves learning from your mistakes--whether emotionally or rationally. The second involves pinpointing where the emotions are coming from. As in how they were formed. We did the second part in simile just now with the caveman digression.
This doesn't mean that the hurt will magically disappear. But if you do it right, then you can possibly override your heartbreak the same way you override your anger by finding the underlying mechanics of your predicament. At least to some extent.
Tip #3. Don't do anything that would complicate the matter.*
*the matter per se and not you, although you get worse too
There are a number of things that a person can do to make things more difficult for him/her. Seeking revenge for example, or begging, or befriending prematurely. I'm sure there're a lot more.
How do you know that something can potentially make the matter worse off? Simple. If it involves you surrendering whatever's left of your stability to another person--the object of affection or a third party, then you're taking a risk. If you're creating situations that directly tap into your negativity so you can elicit some kind of reaction from him/her, you're setting yourself up for more trouble. Remember that you cannot force situations to happen. Especially not when you're wits are scattered all over the place.
Ironically, sometimes these things can actually work. This however often requires you to know exactly what you're doing. Do you?
Tip #4. Look ahead. Seek people, activities, and experiences that remind you how good it feels to be alive.
I hear you. You're going to get drunk to forget things. You're going to pamper yourself with expensive gifts and stuff. You're going to force yourself to go clubbing and maybe hook up with a stranger. But what's wrong with these?
With the possible exception of the last one, these are all short term responses that do not respond to the problem but just to the symptom. They may work for that time. But guess what? You're not gonna get over your lost love by getting drunk/getting pampered/getting laid one night (I did say it could be an exception) and then suddenly be OK thereafter. It doesn't work like that. Telling yourself, "It's his/her loss." may boost your confidence while you delude yourself that this is so; but you're still the one that's crying, feeling sorry, going out to make it seem like you're over everything, convincing yourself how wonderful it is to be single, and acting like you got the worse end of the bargain. Yup, it's still also your loss.
So don't focus on your setback. Instead do things that genuinely make you happy--heartbreak notwithstanding. If you think you'll be doing something only or primarily to cover up the terrible feeling, then try to do something else. Don't allow the heartbreak to decide the way you live. I believe you'll agree with me that there's a lot more to life than your love problems. You may be falling apart a little but if you stop and look around, you'll realize that it's just good to be alive. To have so much potential at your reach. Because there's always tomorrow. So just make sure you can get through the night without too much added stress. Get me?
Tip #5. Get a good crush
I'll be honest and tell you that the only real REAL solution to your broken heart is finding somebody else. Unfortunately, doing that so early after your heartbreak is not very intelligent. Neither is it fair to the other person and to you. So what's the next best thing? That's right. A crush.
Get someone you can (day/)dream about. Someone who can occupy your mind. No, things don't have to be serious. We both know you're not ready for that yet. Things don't even have to be real. You can do all your fantasizing from far away, thank you. If you do it properly and consistently--meaning you substitute all your depressive personal time with thoughts about this new crush of yours--you may actually forget that your heart is broken.
When you feel you've moved on. Go ahead. Meet your crush. Fall in love. I'm not stopping you.
A good crush is characterized by two things. The good crush must be one, somebody you'd be genuinely attracted to and two, somebody you can see everyday (or as often as possible). Now I'm not saying you go and introduce yourself. I'm not even saying you (desperately) try to make the person notice you. Though these may help if and when they work, for caution's and hence your heart's sake, the advice must be construed as pretty straight-forward and self-explanatory: get a good crush. Just that.
Get someone you can (day/)dream about. Someone who can occupy your mind. No, things don't have to be serious. We both know you're not ready for that yet. Things don't even have to be real. You can do all your fantasizing from far away, thank you. If you do it properly and consistently--meaning you substitute all your depressive personal time with thoughts about this new crush of yours--you may actually forget that your heart is broken.
When you feel you've moved on. Go ahead. Meet your crush. Fall in love. I'm not stopping you.
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Whoever sent this to me on Yahoo Answers, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI also am going through this right now and this article helped a lot to read. It's helpful to know that I'm not the only one experiencing these feelings and that there's things that can be done to help the healing process. Wonderfully written. Thanks.
ReplyDeletewow. I'm so glad I ran into this. Its been a month since my girlfriend of 4 years cheated and dumped me when I found out about it. Although I'm 25 I'm starting to have heart problems, cant breath and the depression is reaching clinical level. I have fell in the begging and chasing and wanting to take revenge trap and although I new I shouldnt be like that it was just so hard not to.
ReplyDeleteThis article really helped and I hope I'll be able to apply it everyday till I get better. Thank You! You're awesome
my ex of three years dumped me like 2 years ago. it still fucking hurts. im convinced she was my tru love. other people had me convinced she was cheating on me, and i got soo jealous i did stupid things. the only time she actually did something was right at te beginning of our realationship. after we broke up i realized she wasn't cheating, and i think she loved me too, but i pushed her away so much se finally after like a year took off. i just havent been the same since, i still have that knife in heart/guts feeling, such sadness, no motivation.... i just know i still love her soo bad, but now she is unreachable, im not even able to just apologiz3e to her or anything because of her crazy possesive boyfriend. it just hurts so bad. i just want to talk to her again for like 20 mins cause i miss her soo much. i feel like such a tool still missing her, but i dont know how icould have been so blind at the time to see that she actually loved *me* and nobody else. i mean listen to what she wrote me
ReplyDeletehey hun... yeah well umm... i still don't think that you understand how much i do like you and how much i want you back and how much i regret everything that happened. today i talked to gary fer a while in detention and we were talking about like everything that happened at how much i still feel fer you, and he was saying that i really fucked up and yeah i know that but i think you should know that i would do anything just to get another chance with you. you know i've liked you since last year and idk i really really like you! and i seriously would be the bestest girlfriend you could ever have just if i had another chance. since you don't have AIM imma send you my lil' thingy to you that is in my info to you okay?! but it'll be my next email. i know there is nothing i can say for you to forget about it or i know there is nothing i can say that would make what i did right but still you gotta give me another chance... I'm not supposed to love you, I'm not supposed to care I'm not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there. I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you. yeah but im just gonna let you go now... idk just think about it and always remember that i'm herre for ya!! i love you!!
hey... yeah i didn't wanna tell you this cuz i knew you'd be like wow shes obsessed er something but idc... you know when you were like why you doing so bad in school well i figured it out... i've only been doing back ever since we broke up idk why but you mean soo much to me and it's never been like this with anyone else before. i miss you so much!!!! you don't even understand and yeah i know we're freinds and everything but it makes me miss you even more cuz like we talk and shit but yet yer still not mine.. ya know what i mean?! and i dont know how im goin to prove it to you but the only person i had sex with was brandon and that was only once... and yeah i gotta admit i wanted to do it a lot more but it never actually happened. and seriously i'm not goin to lie to you anymore about anything no matter what happens, cuz i definately don't want to fuck everything up again, cuz i HATE it when you don't talk to me and when yer mad at me. when you said you don't like to havva girlfriend does that mean we will never get back together?! is it my fault you don't wanna girl?!! cuz i would do anything to be yer girl!!!!! seriously! and i know yer prolly like w/e she's just talkin out of her ass but im not im serious. i really do love you and i really want you back... i just want another chance ya know?! but if not okay i guess i can just deal with being freinds. well idk if there is anything i can do fer you just tell me er if you have anything you want to ask me, just ask! haha but i gg cuz my dad just got home and i hope you get this soon and write back!! I LOVE YOU
I still love you danny!! I WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET YOU BACK!!! i love you so much and yet you don't even care :'( yeah i know i made some mistakes and i know i did things i wasn't supposed to do and things that i regret but you don't understand even after all that i still love you... so that's gotta mean something right?! idk but just rememba i'll always be therre for ya!!! Baby you make me happy The way you make me smile Can't you see I'm needing you... please come back to me!!
Now you had me on my knees
Begging God please to send you back to me
I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep
You made me feel like I could not breathe
Now all I wanted to do was to feel your touch
And give you all my love
eply to this email, if you Want
Here's your roses for Valentine's Day since we can't celebrate it anymore.... I Love You Always and Forever....
wow, there's alot that has to be said... okay, now i would like you to know that i don't think that you don't care, i actually thought that you might've loved me but i guess not, and yes i do remember all those times we've had (like you said)... so what did you not like the times we had or something? cuz idk for you just to throw it all away, idk... and yeah i understand that you are leaving and yer gonna want to do whatever you please without worrying about me. I would have let you do anything you wanted, i would've understood, i would prolly wanna do the same thing if i were you (but i wouldn't have done it now i would've before i left) , DUH a road trip with yer best friend, i wouldnt wanna be worrying about some girl miles and miles away. And if for some reason you don't think i care about you, even though you shouldn't because all i do is try to show you that i care and love you... well i don't think you would hurt me as much as you do if i didn't love you, like in lunch yesterday for example... you tell me all of this news the night before and then in lunch you were making yer cute lil ***** face telling me to sit with you and then you found my name thingy and you looked so cute today with yer hair all did and the shirt i bought you... i just don't understand how you can tell me that we shouldn't be together and then you act the same way the next day like nothing happened... and why did you say "love you" in your email?? you never say love you to me in any way shape or form... did you do that on accident or something? AHHHHH.... why do you do this to me, i just don't understand it.
In the past 14 months this is the 4th time you have told me you don't want me... so idk maybe you don't care, maybe you're just so used to me being around and you don't want that part of our relationship to go away, but hopefully that's not the reason... idk what to think anymore, I am so confused. I was already having enough problems before this, and idk but i don't think this helps at all. You were what was keeping me sane, you were my drug, i had to have you to make me feel good. I guess i will have to find a way to just get rid of all my problems and i am sorry for ever bothering you or loving you too much, i just couldn't help it.
Imma ask you this though what about wen we... made our sauce, gave eachother backrubs, had sleepovers (just where we would hold eachother), took showers, got stuck in the snow (twice), the time i made you crash (and what happened before and after that), watched Finding Nemo, rode our bikes in the middle of the night to see eachother, and what about that time in the van?!?! are you just going to forget it all? cuz i sure as hell won't.... I know this is what you want and i understand and respect your decision but before you go i wanted you to know all of this and that i will always miss... the way you would touch me, the way you kissed me and looked up at me while you kissed my belly, your cute laugh and belly button (hehe), the way i have to dress you, your big blue eyes and amazing smile but most of all i'm going to miss the way i felt when you held me and i knew i was yours... I will never find any of this in anyone else but even if i did i wouldn't want it anyways unless it was you. Now that that is all gone, i don't know what i am going to do...... Good-Bye *****..
i didnt realize how much i love her and now its way too late... what do i do.. i have tried to move on ...god it hurts and has not gone away its bee 2 years... 2 years... i have been with other girls some who i really like... still...ughhh what do i do?
wow that last one was intense...and really unusual. Everything you need is listed above, and they SHOULD work, but if you're still having problems then maybe you should learn to detach yourself from yourself (so to speak) so you don't have to feel the full impact of your emotions. Anyway, the trick is to not let the emotions and the feelings take over. Take control by understanding how and WHY you're feeling so bad and decide whether the effects (depression, longing, etc) are worth it--or if they make sense at all.
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it, maybe your problem is you can't seem to just accept it and let go. As in "Let go, IT'S OVER." Maybe you think there's still a chance and your body is telling you to make a move. Oh well, whatever the hell it is, it's still your call, man.
...oh and sorry it took so long. been busy.
ReplyDeleteThis is all practical advice. However, what do you do if your heart has been broken by someone who wasn't "in love" with you to begin with? I'm 54 years old, and have been in love exactly twice. I was married for 15 years to a guy I liked a hell of a lot, but I was never in love with him. People say I'm too picky, I prefer to think of it as a refusal to settle for something I don't really want. Then when I finally find what I've been looking for (since my first love at 19, who BTW wasn't in love with me, either), he doesn't want me, not in any meaningful way. So I haven't even had the dubious benefit of being in a love relationship that wasn't working anymore. All I have are the dreams of how I wanted it to be. How do you mend a heart that no one wants?
ReplyDeleteWell, if you really believe that nobody wants you then you're in big trouble. Otherwise, it's just a matter of finding the things that you can get out of life.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, this may just be regret and feeling sorry for yourself. If so then I'm sorry to say that that's something you'll just have to live with. The best you can do--as with probably all human error--is learn and let go and move on.
Thank you. It's day 4, and I realize I have a long way to go. I agree a crush has gotten me through past breakups, but it doesn't replace a loving relationship well. And you can be surrounded by a group of friends, yet still feel immeasurably lonely. I will just have to muddle through.
ReplyDeletemy boyfriend of a little over one year just broke up with me. it came out of the blue. 2 weeks ago we were on a ski trip having a blast. i don't know where it came from. i daydreamed everyday about having a family with him. i was so intensely in love that i made him my world. my world has been completely destroyed. he did it may 2nd in the afternoon.. it's may 5th and i still haven't been able to eat but drink water. i struggle to get out of bed to go to work and deal with a million questions in my head over analyzing what i've done wrong. it eats at me. i just want to make these feelings go away. it hurts so much. i've never hurt like this before.
ReplyDeleteIt is the worst feeling in the world. I have been through a lot, well, put myself through a lot. I've withdrawaled off of opiates and other things before. That was a breeze compared to a broken heart...especially when you put everything into it. I had this gf of 3 years off and on, she would lie, disappear for a week at a time,etc...but she waited to increase all of that until I moved a thousand miles away from home to be with her...after some manipulation of course. I would've married her and been the most loving husband in the world. BUT, I've ACCEPTED it will not happen because my love CAN'T CHANGE someone. Change comes from within one's self. I feel for all of you out there and even if you think you will "Never feel that way again for anyone", don't count out the billions of people out there. It's a big world with many people that are just right for you!
ReplyDeleteI decided I will be looking for someone with whom I can have a solid, reciprocal relationship with...even if that means I will not have that deep passion I had before for the ex. It'll be nice to be treated nicely I think.
Keep your heads up and don't give up on yourselves! Make yourselves better anyway you can (get really fit, learn new hobbies and skills, work harder and be more successful). You'll feel much better!!!!!! I PROMISE!!!!!
what if you love someone, you know your relationship is impossible, yet you cant stop loving him, you see him everyday, and you share good times together, but you have to hear him talk all the time how happy he WAS a year ago with his college friends, its like whatever you are doing to him to make him laugh doesnt mean a thing, he's seeking happiness while you think you are sharing happiness together :(